News & Articles

Sustainability Round-up: Businesses Going the Extra Mile for the Planet
Decathlon Embraces Rental Sportswear Decathlon has partnered with Hirestreet, a fashion rental platform, to launch an initiative allowing customers to rent clothes for skiing and hiking. The new project is being aimed at those seeking a sustainable alternative to buying all-new outfits for your ski or hiking trip. Hirestreet also believes that increased interest in […]
The Waste Race: How Brands are Embracing a Circular Economy
The human population is increasing, resources are dwindling, and we’re producing more waste than ever. It’s clear that something needs to change.   Embracing a circular economy means encouraging people to share, lease, reuse, repair, refurbish, and recycle existing materials and goods for as long as possible. This extends the life-cycle of products, reducing waste to the […]