Let’s remove plaque and plastic from our mouths by moving to a more sustainable toothbrush made from bamboo.
Bamboo has anti-fungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial properties making it good for the mouth and it is 100% compostable.
Then we get environmental benefits of bamboo due to it being one of the fastest-growing least water-consumptive plants that once harvested for toothbrushes, will continue growing because the core plant isn’t killed.
A winner in every sense!

So they don’t give you splinters and getting an eco-friendly toothbrush is another step towards lowering your carbon footprint.
Dentists say “Brush twice a day and floss every night” which results in the average person using around 300 toothbrushes in their lifetime and billions being thrown away worldwide every year.
This message on plastic by Sir David Attenborough shows there is a growing number of people taking action on plastic and removing it from their lives.
Plastic causes havoc with the environment and is made from unsustainable fossil fuels and is not a choice for the future.

If you wish to persuade others in your family, including children, on the reason for the change, here is a great video about the journey of a toothbrush.
A biodegradable toothbrush handle made of bamboo is a great step forward as it is 99% of the brush however many still use Nylon bristles as they are the most effective.
So don’t forget to pull out your bristles with plyers before putting them into your recycling compost bin.
There are alternative biodegradable bristles out there however finding dentist approval for them is hard.
The bamboo will take a couple of years to decompose compared to up to 500 years or more for a plastic toothbrush.
Even after all this time plastic never fully decomposes and turn into microplastics.

A National Geographic study revealed 90% of table salts in Europe contained microplastics and a recent WWF study revealed people around the world are consuming a credit card’s-worth of microplastic every week.
We know the majority of microplastics do not come from toothbrushes but every little change is another step in the right direction.
Dr Eddie Coyle, dentist and clinical director at Bupa Dental Care, supports the rise in bamboo toothbrushes but advises taking extra care to keep yours clean:
Dr Coyle says “Once you finish brushing, rinse the bristles for 30 seconds to wash away remaining toothpaste or food debris, and avoid leaving your toothbrush in a warm, damp case or holder as this encourages the growth of microorganisms.”
“When the bristles start to curve, bend or fold over, it’s time to get a new one”.
Compared to conventional brushes electric toothbrushes use more plastic, have a battery that is hard to recycle and require energy from the grid so are not eco friendly at present.
Just as Tesla and consumer demand changed the automotive industry, we envisage there will be its equivalent in the electric toothbrush industry out very soon.

If you want to make an eco-friendly switch and try a bamboo toothbrush there are countless versions online coming in all shapes and sizes.
To ensure this change is simple and affordable we have teamed up with Anything but Plastic to provide members with a 10% discount.
Simply put discount code PLAYITGREEN10 when buying from Anything but Plastic and you will receive a 10% off your entire purchase. Be quick the offer lasts until 13/9/21.

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