How to create a campaign?

How to create a Campaign…

1. Begin by navigating to the Campaigns section of the Forest Garden.
2. Click the orange “Start New Campaign” button.
3. Give your campaign a Title and Description.
4. Choose the campaign goal that best aligns with your target goals.
5. Set a start and end date and time campaign budget.
6. Upload the campaign Icon (200(w) x200(h) pix) and Picture (840(w) x230(h) pix)
7. Select whether the campaign will end automatically once the goal meets.
8. Select whether the campaign is private (only show in your Forest Garden but not the “Discover” section) or public
9. Complete the process by clicking “Create Campaign”.
10. You will then see your new campaign in your Campaigns Section.
11. Click the Share button to share the campaign with your friends and colleagues.

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