Play It Green will make PROGRESS21, Manchester’s biggest Business conference this year, a climate positive event by planting a tree for every person attending, the equivalent of taking over twenty-three thousand cars off the road for the day.
Nearly four thousand delegates are expected to attend Thursdays PROGRESS21 event at Manchester Central which combines careers, business and Greater Manchester’s global ambitions.
Manchester-based business Play it Green will play a key part in the event by being part of the expert panel discussing sustainability within business; all part of the regions business recovery and future growth strategy.
Play It Green Co-founder Richard Dickson who will be speaking on stage at Progress 21 and has been invited to attend a round table with the Minister for Small Business said:
“The four thousand new trees we will plant for each attending delegate is the equivalent of taking 23,423 cars off the road for the day.

“Tree planting is part of the solution to climate change, but it must be combined with real behaviour change, with individuals and businesses actively lowering their carbon footprint. This is why we founded Play it Green and are passionate about assisting everyone in becoming more environmentally conscious, with small steps of behaviour change that add up over time making a big difference.”
“Helping the region’s businesses become more sustainable will make them more appealing to consumers, investors and leave a lasting legacy for the planet. Play It Green helps businesses do this through initiatives such as our climate positive workforce and our Carbon Reporting and we are looking forward to being face to face with people once again at PROGRESS21.”

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester said “This event is a brilliant opportunity for individuals to progress their career prospects, businesses to unlock potential for growth and Greater Manchester to expand its global potential. PROGRESS21 will showcase our ambitions to become a world-leading city region with a drive to become Carbon Net-Zero, innovate in the digital sector, and accelerate our economic growth as the region recovers from the pandemic.
As well as speaking on stage and part of the small delegation meeting the Minister for Small Business, Play It Green will have a stall at the event showcasing their work on sustainability. Play It Green provide businesses with simple affordable sustainability solutions that ultimately make them more appealing to their shareholders, workforce and customers.
Should your business wish to find out about a climate positive workforce or run climate positive events then, please, sign up to Play It Green today or request more information using the form below: