Play It Green has partnered with BeInCrypto, one of the largest cryptocurrency news platforms in the world, to verify the facts in their new e-book entitled ‘Sustainability and Cryptocurrencies: An Analysis’.
As one of the top cryptocurrency news and educational platforms globally BeInCrypto enables people to learn and stay updated on the latest industry trends and practices. Since its launch in 2018, BeInCrypto has a track record of breaking impactful stories in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space before any other media outlet and delivering unbiased independent journalism. The website’s 4 million monthly hits across 10 languages supports their community of crypto enthusiasts, traders, investors, influencers, and other industry stakeholders.
BeInCrypto released their latest e-book exploring the topic of cryptocurrencies and sustainability, with Play It Gren helping to verify the facts and providing editorial feedback.

Co-Founder and CEO of Play It Green, Chris Thair, said, “Cryptocurrency is an industry which, just like any other, is faced with the challenge of lowering its carbon footprint. As a new, unregulated, and energy-intensive industry it receives a lot of press about its environmental impact however market forces show it is here for the long term.
“Play It Green did not write this book or express any views, our role in this partnership was to verify the facts displayed and offer feedback on the draft as part of the editorial review process. Our aim is to lower the footprint of people and businesses whilst ensuring they make an environmental and social impact on their journey to net zero; we will only do this through engagement, so I welcomed the opportunity to work with BeInCrypto on this subject.
“Ultimately cryptocurrencies will reduce their footprint as the tech and renewable energy sources improve. Market forces should also mean greener currencies will become more popular which the e-book shines a light on.
“The fascinating aspect of crypto is that whilst Gen X crypto buyers outspend Gen Z and Millennial buyers, statistics show 94% of crypto buyers are 18-40 years old. The same demographic that all the consumer research shows care passionately about the planet and want their brands to do the same, otherwise they will shop elsewhere.
“By educating people on this topic and exploring more sustainable options, we can pave the way for a planet-friendly future for cryptocurrency and the new e-book is a small part of this process.”
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