It is paramount our members know the trees are being planted and are making a difference. That is why we bring you regular tree planting reports and publish all our purchase receipts.
Our tree planting partner Eden Reforestation has been going since 2004 and is used by major brands such as Ecosia and others. We purchase trees with them every quarter and here are all the invoices and purchase receipts.
In the four months since launch we have planted a staggering 12,748 new trees on this lovely planet and it is all thanks to our members. Thank you one and all.
We plant our trees across three sites in northern Madagascar, a nation which has sadly been in the news lately as climate change is causing issues for the people in the south of the Island. Climate change impacts upon everyone however it is the poorest and most vulnerable people it effects the most.
The trees planted really do help and here is a great video showing how they help the environment and the people.
We love Dr Stephen Fitch’s soothing voice and feel this video is tremendously powerful.
The first part of the video highlights the damage deforestation can do however the second is full of hope and how planting new trees, reforesting the land, helps to make a huge difference:
– Soil erosion stops
– Flooding stops
– Better soil
– Better fishing & farming
– Rainfall patterns return
– Animals return to habitat
– Trees absorb CO2

Play It Green plant their trees across 3 sites in northern Madagascar:
Antsanitia Site:
Coordinates: 15°37’13.22”S, 46°26’11.29”E
Visit the site on Google Earth
Akalamboro Site
Coordinates: 16°12’16.94”S, 44°55’4.13”E
Visit the site on Google Earth
Vilamatsa Site
Coordinates: 16°16’17.09”S, 44°26’47.66”E
Visit the site on Google Earth
This article builds upon the previous tree planting reports brought to you in March and May, the latter describing how the trees are protected in the long term.

There are no secrets at Play It Green, we donate 10% of revenues to good causes, we publish all our purchase receipts for the trees and we even publish Board meeting reports. We are on a journey together with our members to help bring a brighter future for our children and the next generation.
Take your next step to a more sustainable future and Join Play It Green today as an individual, family or business.
A £5 monthly subscription would ensure 13 new tress are planted each month, 10% goes to a good cause of your choice, you receive your very own Forest Garden webpage that you can personalise and every Friday you receive a weekly sustainability tip with discount to relating product. Some you will like, others you won’t but over time behaviours will change and you will be lowering your carbon footprint.
Its simple, cost effective and our members love it!